Update on 2021 Commencement MacKenzie Riley Young | February 12, 2021

To the Thomas College Community,

I am very happy to announce our plans to celebrate our hard working and dedicated Thomas College graduates with an on-campus commencement ceremony this spring!  

Thomas College’s 127th Commencement ceremony is scheduled to take place on May 15, 2021—save the date!  All 2021 graduates are invited to attend this in-person event on Thomas College’s campus.

The Office of the Registrar will also send a special invitation to our 2020 graduates. We hope that our 2020 graduates can return to campus and celebrate with us in-person.

Even with the promise of the vaccine, we know that COVID considerations and gathering restrictions will still be a major factor for this spring event.  Thus, this ceremony will require some modifications to keep everyone safe and healthy:

  • Graduates will be placed into smaller groups in viewing areas across campus (outdoor and in-door) and the ceremony will be streamed live in these areas from the Field House
  • At a pre-designated time, each small group will be ushered into the Field House, will walk across the stage, and receive their diploma from President Lachance
  • Given the strict Maine CDC occupancy guidelines that are currently in place (a maximum of 50 people congregated in one place), the in-person portion of this event will be limited to 2021 and 2020 graduates only. Families and friends will be able to watch their students graduate remotely on our live stream

We are still early in the planning process and there are details for the ceremony that still need to be finalized. We will keep you informed as those plans evolve and as we get closer to spring. Regardless of circumstances, I want to assure you that if you find yourself unable to participate in the in-person ceremony, we will still find a way to acknowledge your degree and your hard work.

As they are confirmed, additional details will be posted on our commencement webpage.  I am so excited to celebrate every one of you – and hand your extremely well-deserved diploma to you on Commencement day!

With deep respect, 

Laurie G. Lachance, President 

Thomas College

Laurie G. Lachance
180 W River Rd, Waterville, ME 04901